The EchoRANCH is an organic product, made from Humificant and Enhancer, for hygiene and remediation of livestock.
Reclamation of stables, pig houses, sheds for the breeding of birds and fur-bearing animals, ponds for fish farming and leachate collection, heaps of manure and compost, etc.
- It accelerates the processes of humification and deodorization of organic matter in a natural and non-toxic way
- It reclaims livestock environments, kills coliforms and reduces the COD and BOD
- It Balances the aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora, and the ph
- It reduces and transforms the ammonia emissions in protein nitrogen, inside and outside the stables
- It deodorizes and descale the culverts, floors, tubs, sewage collection and drain pipes
- It prevents the fight against pests and pathogens
- It transforms the manure in organic form
- It stops the caustic action of slurries
- It fights the outbreak of blue tongue which is transmitted by a fly
- It prevents the mad cow prion.
Biomaco: a complete range of organic products, the result of years of research, useful to solve in a natural way any problem about environment, agriculture and livestock.
Because we put Nature at nature’s service.